East Cape & Homestead Dams Replacement

Over time, natural forces compromised the East Cap and Homestead dams and by 1992 they had failed. The earthen dams were replaced in 1997 with sheetpile dams, although these also failed after a few years, which increased erosion of the canal banks. Openings at the failed plugs continue to widen because of erosional processes.

CASHMAN was contracted by NPS to replace two failed dams at Cape Sable to stop the flow of sediment material into Florida Bay. The contract called for CASHMAN to construct two new dam structures at the Cape Sable East Cape and Homestead Canals located in the Florida Everglades National Park. 


  • Mobilization of resources began in summer but construction waited for October, after the nesting and mating season of the protected American Crocodiles inhabiting the area. 
  • Drove ~980 linear feet of steel sheeting through a layer of lime rock to a depth of 20 feet. 
  • Completed in-water fill work of ~2,200 cubic yards of limestone sand fill between the bulkheads. 
  • Placed ~2,000 tons of riprap stone around the adjacent land areas along the steel sheeting of the dams. 
  • Constructed recreational components, channel markers, and mooring buoys. 
  • Constructed a ramp structure at the end of each bulkhead to provide access for kayaks and canoes. 
  • Completed over 5,000 plantings at the site. 
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National Park Service (NPS)
$6 Million
May 2010 - March 2011