North Point Park is a 14-acre park, the largest city park of Boston's open-space projects, on the East Cambridge waterfront completed in 2007 as part of the Boston “Big Dig” mitigation. It is part of the "lost half mile" of the Charles River, between the 1910 Charles River Dam, now the site of the Museum of Science and the new Charles River Dam completed in 1978. It serves as a vital green link between the Charles River and Boston Harbor. CASHMAN was contracted to conduct site remediation and restoration as part of the development of this waterfront park.
- This project included site remediation / preparation, demolition and removal of existing structures.
- Excavated 100,000 cubic yards including 80,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil / hazardous waste (metals, PCBs, ACM, RCRA and TPH) that was tested, managed, treated and disposed of in accordance with MassDEP regulations.
- Constructed 1,000 linear feet of water feature, including dredging and installation of steel sheetpile wall, liners and riprap used as a cut-off to leach contamination.
- Constructed 2,500 linear feet of H-pile-supported granite seawall and installed 15,000 cubic feet of stone masonry structures.
- Installed utilities, including 24”-72” storm drains, sanitary sewer lines, 8”-16” water lines, and electric and communication utilities.
- Constructed five vehicle bridges, including erecting structural steel and form, and placing 2,000 cubic yards of cast-in-place concrete.
- Constructed roadways (lighting, bituminous paving, granite curb and concrete sidewalks), and installed park improvements (landscaping, irrigation, ornamental railings and playground equipment).
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Massachusetts Turnpike Authority
$32 million
December 2002 - April 2007